Place Matters Summit 2023
Great communities don’t happen by accident.
October 4, 2023
Registration is $49/person.

“Great communities don’t happen by accident.”
Placemaking means many things to different people – but we can all agree that positive, proactive, and strategic placemaking is essential for our communities to prosper. Our inaugural Place Matters Summit will gather community leaders spanning the local government, business, non-profit, and association spaces to discuss, learn about, and be inspired by ways to actively cultivate their communities and neighborhoods as vibrant places.
Hosted at Cedar Springs Brewing Company in downtown Cedar Springs, the Summit is open to attendees from communities large and small throughout the West Michigan region. Using a combination of expert presentations and practitioner panel discussions, attendees will be both big-picture inspired around WHY placemaking is so important – as well as armed with immediate, actionable takeaways for their local efforts.
Click here to reserve your spot!