July 26th, 2017
Good Jobs for Michigan Coalition applauds policy makers for making vital job attraction tool for large-scale projects in communities across the state a reality
The Good Jobs for Michigan Coalition issued the following statements today after Gov. Rick Snyder signed the bipartisan Good Jobs for Michigan package (Senate Bills 242-244) into law at a potential project pipeline site in Rochester Hills. Each of the members spoke at the event.

Will help grow good-paying jobs now; ensure Michigan isn’t left on the sidelines.
The Good Jobs for Michigan Coalition issued the following statements today after Gov. Rick Snyder signed the bipartisan Good Jobs for Michigan package (Senate Bills 242-244) into law at a potential project pipeline site in Rochester Hills. Each of the members spoke at the event.
“This is exactly the kind of policy and tool we need to keep and enhance our state’s comeback and momentum going strong,” said Deputy Oakland County Executive Matt Gibb, who oversees the county’s economic development and community affairs work. “No longer we will be at a severe disadvantage for these larger projects and investments or not making the ‘list’ in the first place. This will generate more and better jobs and positive statewide impact, helping strengthen schools, spurring better infrastructure and advancing safer and more vibrant communities.”
“Being able to attract projects with 250+ jobs can be game-changers for communities,” said Birgit Klohs, president and CEO of The Right Place, a leading economic development organization in West Michigan. “This new tool ensures Michigan can compete, diversify and strengthen our state’s economy now and in the future, create the kinds of good-paying jobs and career opportunities that our citizens need and deserve, and boost quality of life for all.”
“There are few things that can make a positive difference in a person’s life and economic standing like the chance for a good-paying job and to earn a real, living wage. And there are few things beyond those jobs that help support and strengthen our communities and state,” said Patrick “Shorty” Gleason, legislative director of the Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council. “This is a big step forward for growing jobs, growing wages and benefitting hard-working Michiganders, families and the places we work, play and call home.”
“We thank the lawmakers and Governor who put Michigan first and passed this critical job attraction tool that makes significant headway on forging our state’s path to becoming a Top Ten state for jobs, personal income and a strong economy,” said Tim Sowton, vice president for government Affairs & public policy for Business Leaders for Michigan, the state’s business roundtable of the largest job providers and universities. “The Good Jobs for Michigan legislation gives us a fighting chance against surrounding states and growing more and jobs right here for Michiganders and our communities.”
The entire coalition praised the bipartisan leadership and action for each Senator and Representative who supported the package and ensured that Michigan can build a strong economy that works for current and future generations.