Latest News & Blogs

The Right Place will solicit potential projects for MEDC RAP Program
The Right Place will solicit potential projects from a 13-county area, evaluate and assemble this list into a public placemaking projects proposal, presenting them in a regional application to the MEDC RAP Program.

Joining the Supply Chain Management Council
A Q&A with Eula Gaddis, Director of Quality – Jireh Metal

The Right Place debuts community development division
Right Place leader Tim Mroz tapped to lead economic development organization’s 4-point strategy on improving placemaking in Grand Rapids region

The Right Place announces TaRita Johnson as Senior Vice President of Talent & Diversity
TaRita Johnson joined the team in October 2021 and is currently working on a new talent strategy for the Greater Grand Rapids region

The Right Place assists West Contract Manufacturing with local expansion, creating 110 jobs and $6 million investment
Walker area company West Contract Manufacturing to add 110 jobs and invest $6 million in upcoming expansion

The Right Place board of directors changes for 2022
The Right Place, Inc. has appointed 12 new board members to the 2022 Right Place board of directors.

$540,000 grant aims to help regional advanced manufacturing and technology companies attract & retain talent
As many as 20 companies have until Feb. 16 to apply for up to $25,000 in funding to offset career training costs

Ford International Airport launches FLITE to develop, introduce new high-tech air travel solutions
Partnership with MEDC, Southwest Airlines provides grants to innovation-driven companies, allowing them to test new products, services in live airport environment

The Right Place assists PADNOS with Wyoming expansion
PADNOS to add 50 jobs and invest $6.6 million in upcoming expansion