May 18th, 2020
Safeguards to protect Michigan's workers from COVID-19
Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed into effect Executive Order 2020-91, establishing safety measures reopening businesses are going to have to adhere to in order to return to business.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed into effect Executive Order 2020-91, establishing safety measures reopening businesses are going to have to adhere to in order to return to business. Among other things, businesses need to provide COVID-19 training to workers that covers, at a minimum, workplace infection-control practices, the proper use of PPE, steps workers must take to notify the business or operation of any symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, and how to report unsafe working conditions.
These standards will have the force and effect of agency rules and will be vigorously enforced by the agencies that oversee compliance with other health-and-safety rules. Any failure to abide by the rules will also constitute a failure to provide a workplace that is free from recognized hazards within the meaning of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act, MCL 408.1011.
Read full details regarding Executive Order 2020-91 here.