April 9th, 2020
The Right Place connects Kent County to 4,500 urgently needed safety glasses for first responders
In late March The Right Place received a call from Kent County urgently seeking 4,500 safety glasses for road patrol officers.

In late March The Right Place received a call from Kent County urgently seeking 4,500 safety glasses for road patrol officers. They had not been able to find any inventory that met their specifications. The Right Place team was able to look at the requirements and identify a local manufacturer that might be able to help with the request. We reached out to HexArmor, who manufacturers industrial personal protection equipment such as puncture resistant gloves and safety eyewear. Our team has worked with HexArmor for many years, including assisting them with a recent expansion in 2018. Given this relationship, we were able to connect HexArmor to Kent County. HexArmor had enough of the required safety glasses in stock to truck over to Kent County the very same business day.
HexArmor now has immediate openings available in Grand Rapids, Michigan to help build face shields for essential workers. View openings on their site here.