May 11th, 2022
The Right Place seeking proposals for Historic Community Planning project in Lake & Newaygo Counties
A committee has formed to strategize the collaborative economic growth of the two historic African American rural communities of Idlewild (in Yates Township, Lake County, MI) and Woodland Park (in Merrill Township, Newaygo County, MI). Particular focus is being put on preservation, promotion, and capitalization (which is currently at varying stages in each community) of their historic significance.
The Right Place, as part of the Collaborative Committee, is requesting proposals for a consultant to assist with Community Planning and Historic Designation and Preservation for the two communities. The developed plan will focus on the needs of the local economy and determine how to best enhance, promote, and preserve the historic assets of the communities in relation to economic development.
Upon project completion, the two communities will ultimately be positioned to strengthen their unique histories and characteristics and create strategies for overcoming current economic and community development challenges and creating sustainable partnerships with funders, developers, organizations, and entrepreneurs - including those who have requested the creation of a collaborative historic community plan and the components of this proposals delivered services.
The Right Place will enter into a contractual agreement with a consultant for this Historic Community Planning project.
Services requested are for the following major components:
- Historic mapping, historic site identifications, National Registry designations (Woodland Park) and extend work to establish Historic Commission (both communities);
- Creation of strategic plan for historic preservation and economic growth including community surveys, and gap analysis
- Guidance and best practices for creation of rural historic district development practices, policies and enforcement;
- Identification of complementary business opportunities and potential community growth opportunities through increased residency and tourism
- Guidance on development of a small business and event resource guide
The Collaborative Committee, including Right Place representatives, will provide support to the contracted consultant in the following ways:
- GIS Mapping through Newaygo County system
- Assistance with community survey development and collection
- Connection to community contacts and stakeholders
- Other coordination as approved by parties concerned
The project is to be completed by June 30, 2023 (final status report, invoice and professional reimbursement request form to be submitted to The Right Place no later than July 31, 2023).
The Proposal Statement shall include, at a minimum:
- A Project Understanding Statement.
- Itemized Scope of Services, based on your understanding of the Project Goals and Tasks.
- Not to exceed cost proposal, outlining the tasks, hours & fees.
- Qualification Statement (shall include, at a minimum):
- The project team and their relative experience on similar projects during the last five years.
- Resumes of the project team.
- A brief statement about your firm as it relates to this type of project.
Full proposal must be submitted by email with subject marked “Idlewild | Woodland Park Collaborative,” to:
Ms. Jodi Nichols, Executive Director – Lake Co. EDA
The Right Place | | 231.742.3328
Proposals must be received by email no later than 5:00pm on June 15, 2021. Request Read Receipt. Late submittals will not be accepted.
The contents of the proposal of the successful Respondent will become contractual obligations, if a contract is issued. Failure of the successful bidder to accept these obligations will result in cancellation of the award.
The Collaborative Committee, including representatives from The Right Place, will review the proposals, and evaluate them based on the information provided. All submittals will be evaluated and ranked accordingly. Proposals from consultants of diverse backgrounds and those with ties to African American communities are encouraged.
At the discretion of the Collaborative Committee:
- Interviews may be held as part of the evaluation process.
- Negotiations may be a part of the selection process.
- Notification of award to take place no later than June 30, 2022
Respondents who submit a proposal may be required to make an oral presentation of their proposal to Collaborative Committee. These presentations will provide an opportunity for the respondent to clarify its proposal to ensure mutual understanding of its contents.
The Contract will be awarded to the most responsive consultant based on the Collaborative Committee review of the Respondents ability to provide the required products/services.
Competitive negotiation proposals are being solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources to permit a reasonable comparison consistent with the nature of competitive negotiation. The Request for Qualifications / Proposals (RFQ/P) identifies all significant evaluation factors to ensure equal information is given to all vendors involved in the bidding process. The award of the bid will be made based on the recommendation of the procuring party with consideration being given to whose proposal will be the most advantageous rather than the lowest cost.
The Right Place reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals and to waive any irregularity in proposals received whenever such rejection or waiver is in The Right Place’s best interest. The Respondent to whom the Award is made will be notified at the earliest possible date. The Contract shall not be considered executed unless signed by The Right Place.
Upon selection of a consultant, The Right Place will develop a contract between the consultant and The Right Place for final agreement in approximately 21 days.
The Proposal and Award page and any proposal notifications, claims or statements must be signed by an official of the proposing organization authorized to bind the Respondent to the provision of the RFQ/P.
The Respondent hereby recognizes that funding for the Historic African American Communities Planning is being provided by funds received by The Right Place from the Fremont Area Community Foundation. If, for any reason, funding is not available, or discontinued for any reason from the Fremont Area Community Foundation to The Right Place, The Right Place may terminate this agreement without incurring any liability.
It is proposed that a contract entered into as a result of this RFQ/P will have a fee structure with a specified maximum, not to be exceeded, cost. Negotiations may be undertaken with those Respondents whose proposal as to price and other factors show them to be qualified, responsible and capable of performing the work. The contract that may be entered into will be that which is most advantageous to The Right Place, price and other factors considered. The Right Place reserves the right to consider proposal modifications received at any time before the award is made, if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of The Right Place.
This contract will be for a period from approximately July 15, 2022 – June 30, 2023. A contract extension is not expected under this funding source. However, if The Right Place receives additional funding for project continuation or if the grant agreement contract sunset dates are extended, the contract may be extended mutually by The Right Place and the Respondent but is limited to the terms and conditions of this request and any resulting contract.
The Right Place shall not be liable for any costs, including any travel, incurred by the Respondent prior to award of the contract(s). Total liability of The Right Place is limited to the terms and conditions of this request and any resulting contract.
It is agreed and understood that the contract is made solely for the benefit of The Right Place and the Provider of Services, not made for the benefit of any third party, and that no action or defense may be founded upon this contract except by the parties signatory hereto.
Consultant will provide The Right Place with quarterly status reports and itemized invoices for payment up to contracted project amount.
The Right Place will make payment for services, according to a contractual agreement to be negotiated upon selection of a consultant. The Right Place will act as the primary project contact for media communication and grant reporting associated with the project.
Download this RFP
Questions? Contact Jodi

Jodi Nichols
Executive Director, Lake County Economic Development AllianceJodi serves as the Executive Director of the Lake County Economic Development Alliance. In this role, she provides business support services to prospective and existing employers and leads critical community development initiatives to improve the overall state of the county and community’s quality of life.