March 20th, 2020
Urgent need for Michigan manufacturers to produce Personal Protection Equipment
Last night we received a list of needed personal protection equipment products from the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, Michigan State Police. The products are intended for use for health care workers and first responders.

A message from Mike Johnston, Vice President of Government Affairs, Michigan Manufacturers Association:
Last night we received a list of needed personal protection equipment products from the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, Michigan State Police. The products are intended for use for health care workers and first responders.
The list includes:
- Hospital Gowns
- Ventilators
- Sanitizer (Hand / Wipe)
- Gloves
- Surgical Masks
- Masks N95-N100
- Miscellaneous-Thermometers, hospital beds, trailers, etc.
The usually formal state purchasing processes will not be used due to the nature of this emergency. While the specific procedures are not yet clearly established, we are told the state may just use a credit card to buy the equipment. As we learn more about procedures, we will let you know.
At this point, please contact me, at 517-487-8554 or, and I will coordinate you with the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, Michigan State Police.
We remain confident manufacturers will drive the solutions. Thank you.