March 31st, 2020
Various resources for Michigan businesses during COVID-19
A list of various resources for West Michigan businesses amid the COVID-19 crisis.

General Resources About COVID 19
- - State of Michigan site for COVID 19 response measures and resources
- CDC - Federal government site for COVID 19 response measures and resources
- Senator Gary Peters - A collection of trusted resources surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Office of Senator Gary Peters
Business Support Resources
- - US Chamber website for resources, awareness and outreach, and support for businesses related to COVID 19
- - This website contains ways that individuals, communities, governments, and businesses can seek assistance from corporate foundations and corporations alike.
- - Small Business Development Centers resources for COVID 19. SBDC will also be hosting webinars about cash flow supports and liquidity, ecommerce, and human resources needs over the next two weeks. These webinars are available in the training section of their website.
- - Small Association of Michigan resources for COVID 19
- - Michigan Municipal League site for COVID 19 supports for communities
- - National Main Street Program – Small business and community supports for those impacted by COVID 19
- MRLA Resources - Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association COVID 19 supports
- Visit Detroit - Detroit Metro Convention and Visitors Bureau has links to resources broadly for the travel industry and travelers related to COVID 19
- Michigan COVID-19 Business Response Center - A database of resources containing several insights on best practices for businesses during COVID-19. For example, cleaning protocols, work-from-fhome practices, etc. as well as policy book examples from international companies.
Federal Resources from the White House Office of Legislative Affairs:
- What You Should Know (here)
- Travel Information (here)
- Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities (here)
- Higher Risk & Special Populations (here)
- Healthcare Professionals (here)
- Resources for Healthcare Facilities (here)
- Resources for Health Departments (here)
- Laboratories (here)
- Communication Resources (here)