August 23rd, 2024
You’re Invited to Tech Week Grand Rapids’ Unconference
Tech Week Grand Rapids switched to the unconference model last year and scaled to 13,000 participants in the process, a 270% growth from 2022. This year, the unconference is back with more than 40 events hosted across six days, from September 16-21, 2024.

When you hear the word conference, it’s likely you conjure images of formal networking events, packed hotel conference rooms, and large convention centers. An ‘unconference’, however, is participant- and community-driven, allowing attendees to choose their own experiences based on their interests and availability. That’s exactly what Tech Week Grand Rapids does.
Tech Week Grand Rapids started three years ago to complement the area’s regional tech strategy, which aims to get the tech industry to make up 10% of the economy and add 20,000 jobs. It is the marquee event and both galvanizes and showcases the supportive and excited community and the work that’s being done.
Tech Week Grand Rapids switched to the unconference model last year and scaled to 13,000 participants in the process, a 270% growth from 2022. This year, the unconference is back with more than 40 events hosted across six days, from September 16-21, 2024.
How Tech Week Grand Rapids’ Unconference Works
The decentralized nature of Tech Week Grand Rapids’ unconference is what has allowed the event to scale so quickly — and impact so many in the area. While the unconference model is becoming more common, Tech Week Grand Rapids relies on — and benefits from — the community’s interest and support.
While this is a new model for the Grand Rapids community, they have bought in, says Andria Romkema, Lead Organizer for Tech Week and Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications at The Right Place, the organization that puts together Tech Week Grand Rapids.
Each unconference is unique, she says.
“We don’t quite fit the textbook definition of an unconference,” Andria says. “What’s unique about ours is that we have over 100 business organizations hosting events or involved in partnering and speaking at the events.”
Each event’s content is created by the hosts so it is timely and more directly speaks to the audience and business community in Grand Rapids, Andria says.
Event hosts are responsible for their individual events. Hosts choose the event type, content, and location, and market it themselves — with help from the formal Tech Week Grand Rapids team. The thread that connects every event is they are designed for education and connection.
What to Expect at 2024 Tech Week Grand Rapids
Tech Week Grand Rapids events are held all over the greater Grand Rapids, Mich. area and hosted by various organizations. Each event is free, with the exception of the kick-off event with keynote speaker Stephen Dubner, co-author of the “Freakonomics” book series.
The other 40+ events are designed by the community, for the community, which is the driving force behind the unconference’s exponential growth. In 2023, 45 community partners hosted 35 events across the week.It was a 342% growth in the number of events and 275% growth in community partners from 2022.
Attendees can choose from hands-on tech demos and exhibits, how-to workshops, panel and Q&A discussions, or pitch competitions. At this year’s Tech Week, events include:
- Tech Week Kick-Off with keynote speaker Stephen Dubner, co-author of the “Freakonomics” book series. Note: This is a paid event.
- Tech on the Deck networking event.
- Demo Day entrepreneur competition.
- Confluence Festival celebrating innovation across art, music, science, and tech
“Think of it as a ‘choose your own adventure’ model,” Andria says. “You don’t have to go to everything. Go to the events that interest you. I recommend starting with one or two events.”
Every event is listed on the Tech Week Grand Rapids website, where attendees can filter by type, category, and date to figure out what fits their interests, preferences, and schedule.
This post originally appeared on Purpose Jobs.