August 25th, 2020
Navigate 2020: Sisters Who Lead Study Results
During this Navigate 2020 webinar, Cohen and Sosa VerDuin share the results of their latest study for the first time and provide employers with new data to use in rethinking talent attraction, retention, and promotion.

In August, The Right Place hosted another Navigate 2020 webinar, this time with Sisters Who Lead co-founders Shannon Cohen and Patricia Sosa VerDuin.
Since 2016, Cohen and Sosa VerDuin’s organization has spearheaded regional workplace climate studies that highlight the business and economic imperative for advancing diverse talent pathways, with a focus on women of color.
In 2020, Sisters Who Lead completed its second regional study using a systems lens to address institutional behaviors that prove counterproductive to attracting, retaining, and promoting women of color to executive leadership.
During this Navigate 2020 webinar, Cohen and Sosa VerDuin share the results of their latest study for the first time and provide employers with new data to use in rethinking talent attraction, retention, and promotion.
Cohen emphasized the importance of relational capital and forming genuine relationships with employees - especially women of color within your organization. Focusing on this, Cohen noted, is one of the best ways to support women of color within the organization, especially in workplaces that consist of predominantly white employees.
The full Sisters Who Lead 2020 Report is available for purchase and download on the Sisters Who Lead website.